#linda kimura
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years ago
Rehydration Needs – Linda Kimura/JJ Jareau
A/N: Final fic of Day 8 of @whumpril​ .
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Dehydration comes on her far too quickly. JJ collapses almost instantly and Linda moves to scoop her up onto the bed, tucking her safely onto a hospital bed and already starting the process towards making sure that JJ gets rehydrated safely. She’s still lingering as she watches it work, noting that the dehydration had to have started when JJ was taken, her voice soft when JJ stirs. “It’s alright, we’ve got you.” JJ’s smile is weak and she slips back into unconsciousness quickly, tired and sore. Later she’ll wake to Linda again, working to wrap the last of her wounds. She’s alive even if she is dehydrated and needing to rest.
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ssahopelessly · 2 years ago
Tries not to think anything of it…
Thinks everything of it…
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Spencer Reid's Potential Love Interests
Jennifer Jareau (S1E4), Lila Archer (S1E18), Ethan (S2E18), Austin (S4E9), Linda Kimura (S4E24), Maeve Donovan (S8E12), Dylan Einstein (S10E14), Dorian Loker (S10E18), Catherine Adams (S11E11), Maxine Brenner (S15E4)
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46snowfox · 2 months ago
Yuugen Romantica Hatenkou Animate Tokuten “Los youkai juegan otomes en vivo”
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Título original: 「【妖怪が】乙女ゲームを【実況プレイ】」
Cv: KENN, Hikaru Midorikawa, Sakurai Takahiro, Shinnosuke Tachibana, Kousuke Toriumi, Yuuki Kaji, Ryohei Kimura & Daisuke Hirakawa
Hanawo: El corazón de una dama, se trata de una fruta misteriosa, un profundo e indescifrable laberinto, un cielo de otoño. Aah~ y este deseo pecaminoso de querer comprenderlo, ¿será una prueba que me ha otorgado Dios? ¿O acaso será el sino de aquellos que anhelan amar? ¡Ahora mismo descifrémoslo! ¡Abramos la puerta de aquel santuario moderno! *palmada* Dicho esto, quiero que hoy aprendamos sobre el corazón de las damas.
Arahagi: ¡Sí!
Hanawo: Y para eso he preparado esto.
Arahagi: ¿Juegos…?
Hanawo: Son juegos otome, al jugar esto comprender los deseos de una dama será un paseo por el parque. Con ellos podremos comprender de primera mano sus corazones enamorados.
Zakuro: ¿Qué es un “juego otome” ?
Iriya: Usas esa máquina para jugar un juego con una trama romántica. Controlas a una protagonista femenina y la juntas con uno de los intereses amorosos masculinos, es un juego de decisiones.
Hifumi: Jee, solo he jugado los juegos de las arcade, suena divertido.
Utashiro: Hmph, yo creo que incluso sin eso uno puede descifrar fácilmente el corazón de una chica…
Hanawo: Jo,jo~. Entonces ten pequeño baku. *le pasa el control*
Utashiro: ¿Eh? ¿Eh…?
Hanawo: Tienes que presionar este botón del control para empezar.
Toneri: ¡¡…!! ¡También está en la tele!
Merry: Aah, usé mi magia para que el juego de la consola se refleje en el televisor, así podemos verlo en una pantalla grande.
Toneri: Eres más impresionante de lo que aparentas.
Merry: No, no es nada…
Hanawo: Además, no sería divertido si solo jugáramos, así que será un juego en vivo. Comentaremos nuestra opinión mientras jugamos.
Hifumi: Ok, puedes contar conmigo. Aunque somos tantos que tardaríamos demasiado jugando de a uno… Hagamos grupos con una lotería, que sean parejas, ¿sí?
Zakuro: Rayos… dio inicio algo realmente molesto…
Hanawo: Juguemos en orden. Ah, mientras otros juegan debemos guardar silencio. Espero que sea un divertido juego en vivo.
Hifumi: Dicho esto, partiremos Yo, Hifumi.
Utashiro: Y yo Utashiro… vamos a jugar en vivo… Aah… Una cosa es conquistar una chica y otra es jugar como una chica para conquistar a un chico…
Hifumi: Solo empecemos. Ah, partir el juego desde el inicio nos tomaría una eternidad, así que usaremos una partida guardada.
Utashiro: ¿Ah sí? Bueno da igual. A ver, con estos botones eliges qué hacer… *presiona cargar* ¿Esas son todas las ranuras de guardado? Son muchas…
Hifumi: Capítulo 2… Capítulo 7… Me pierdo… ¿Cuál elegimos? Puede ser el que quieras.
Utashiro: P-pero antes… ¿De quién es el nombre “Hanako”?
Hifumi: ¿No será el nombre de la protagonista? Cuando empiezas el juego puedes elegir el nombre, Hanawo nos lo dijo antes.
Utashiro: ¿Eh? Esta es la partida de Hanawo, ¿no? ¿Cuándo él juega otomes utiliza la versión femenina de su nombre? Oye hombre de la rosa, ¿es así?
Hifumi: Está asintiendo.
Utashiro: Uwah… la protagonista es Hanawo… es tan linda, pero en el interior es Hanawo…
Hifumi: Por ahora olvidémonos de Hanawo, ella es Hanako y ahora vamos a hacer que se enamore y ver su final feliz. Piensa en que velarás por la felicidad de una humana.
Utashiro: Ok, lo haré… Entonces usemos esta partida.
*música de terror*
Hifumi: ¡Ya partimos! ¿Eh? Esta ciudad parece ambientada 100 años en el pasado, que nostálgica.
Utashiro: La música me está dando escalofríos. ¿No que este era un juego de romance?
Hifumi: Tal vez sea un romance aterrador.  Mira, Hanako está diciendo algo, a ver… “Por favor detente, recupera la cordura”. ¿Eh…?
Utashiro: Esa frase no me da nada de seguridad…
Hifumi: P-por ahora avancemos, si presionas ese botón dirá la próxima frase.
Utashiro: O-ok…
*salpica sangre*
Utashiro & Hifumi: ¡Aaaaaaaaaaah!
Utashiro: ¡Sangre! ¡Salpicó sangre!
Hifumi: ¡La pantalla está roja! ¡Hanawo! ¡¿Qué está pasando?! ¡¿Acaso es un juego de horror?!
Utashiro: N-no es justo que solo yo juegue, ¡toma Hifumi!
Hifumi: ¡¿Ah?! ¡No me des el mando solo porque te da miedo avanzar!
Utashiro: ¿C-cómo voy a estar asustado? Vamos, presiona el botón.
Hifumi: Maldición… Luego haré que me invites un crepe, lo juro…
Utashiro: ¡Aaah! ¡A-acaba de aparecer algo!
Hifumi: Los ojos de este tipo dan miedo… ¿A-acaso nos van a matar? ¡Vamos a morir!
Utashiro: ¡…! E-explícate, si solo gritas no entenderé nada.
Hifumi: ¿E-explicar? A-a ver… Un hombre con un kimono ensangrentado acaba de aparecer de la nada… ¡Y tiene una katana! ¡Nos está mirando! ¡¡Y se está riendo con maldad!!
Utashiro: ¡Ha de ser un enemigo! ¡Acaba con él Hanako!
Hifumi: ¿Hm? ¡Utashiro! ¡Sabía que actuabas raro, no te tapes los ojos!
Utashiro: ¡Aaah!
Hifumi: ¡Vamos a apoyar un romance humano, así que abre bien los ojos!
Utashiro: No, este no es momento para pensar en amor. ¿Eh…? Espera, ese hombre ensangrentado… es una de las opciones amorosas del juego…
Hifumi: ¿En serio?
Utashiro: ¡M-mira! Aparece en la portada del juego. *le muestra la caja* Es este.
Hifumi: ¡¿En serio?! ¡Pero si hace nada mató a un humano! ¡Voló sangre! ¡Además, no deja de reír como un lunático! ¡¿De verdad podemos enamorarlo?!
Utashiro: ¡No me preguntes y haz algo!
Hifumi: ¡¿Y qué quieres que haga?! ¡A este paso va a matar a Hanako! N-no puedo hacer nada más que presionar un botón… ¡Dudo que pueda proteger a Hanako! ¡Te toca Utashiro!
Utashiro: ¡¡!! ¡No, no, no, no! ¡Yo también solo puedo presionar el botón!
Hifumi: ¡No me lo devuelvas! Aah, estoy seguro que al pasar al siguiente diálogo la pantalla se teñirá de rojo… ¿Por qué debemos avanzar…?
Utashiro: S-si no lo hacemos jamás entenderemos el corazón de una dama. ¡Ahora presiona el condenado botón!
Hifumi: Luego no me culpes. Aquí voy, ¡voy a presionarlo!
*sangre en la pantalla*
Hifumi & Utashiro: ¡¡AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!
Hifumi: La pantalla está llena de sangre… ¡Por eso no quería!
Utashiro: ¿Este de verdad es un juego de romance? ¡¿Cómo se supone que enamoremos a este tipo?! Además, ¡¿qué tan grande es el corazón de las chicas humanas si pueden amar a alguien así?!
Hifumi: Yo no creo que pueda amar a este tipo… Hanako, ¿por qué elegiste a este hombre…?
Hanawo: Vamos, cálmense. Lamento interrumpir su diversión, pero ya va siendo el turno del próximo equipo.
Hifumi & Utashiro: ¡¡No nos estamos divirtiendo!!
Zakuro: Cambio, nos toca. Aquí están el gran kitsune, Zakuro y…
Iriya: ¡…El hebigami-sama Iriya! Jeje, me toca jugar contigo, se siente raro.
Zakuro: ¡Esa es mi línea! Incluso si fue al azar, justo debías ser tú… Bueno, da igual, empecemos. Sería aburrido jugar al mismo juego, así que puse otro.
Iriya: ¿Eh? ¿En serio? Pero el sanguinario de antes se veía divertido… ¿Y a cuál jugaremos?
Zakuro: A ver, según el título… Parece ser algún tipo de juego con criaturas occidentales y… ¿De baile?
Iriya: ¿De baile? ¿Cómo la danza bon?
Zakuro: Ni idea… Pero dice algo de “dance”.
Iriya: Hmm… Bueno, lo sabremos al empezar. Entonces carguemos una partida guardada para ahorrar tiempo.
Zakuro: Ya empezamos, ¿pero qué es esta habitación enorme y brillante?
Iriya: ¿Será el escenario de un baile? Tal vez nos toque bailar aquí. Oh, apareció una chica.
Zakuro: ¿Esta es la protagonista? Oye… otra vez se llama Hanako.
Iriya: Bueno, es la partida de él, así que es normal.
Zakuro: Ese Hanawo… ¿Usa este nombre en todos los juegos? Es asombroso de algún modo…
Iriya: Ah, yo presionaré el botón, tú ve leyendo los diálogos, desactivé las voces de los personajes para que no interrumpan nuestro juego en vivo.
Zakuro: Desde hace un rato que he pensado esto… pero pareces acostumbrado a estos juegos.
Iriya: Es que a veces Hanawo me llamaba para que jugara con él. Bueno, parte leyendo las frases de Hanako-san.
Zakuro: ¿Debo leer esto? A ver… “¿No me veré extraña usando un vestido? Me pone nerviosa…” ¿Con quien está hablando?
Iriya: Es un monólogo.
Zakuro: ¿Ah? ¡Pero si está rodeada de gente! Si alguien la escucha pensarán que es una rarita.
Iriya: Tranquilo, nadie la escuchó, pasa a menudo en estos juegos.
Zakuro: ¿En serio…?
Iriya: Solo avancemos… Oh, apareció un chico, ¿será el interés romántico?
Zakuro: Je, comparado al del juego anterior este hizo una aparición bastante pacífica.
Iriya: Vamos, lee el diálogo. Uhm… Sería difícil para ti hacer dos voces, así que yo haré las de la protagonista.
Zakuro: ¡No me des órdenes! A ver… “Así que aquí estabas, ese vestido te queda bien.”
Iriya: “Mentira, ¡me halagó! ¿Qué haré si escucha los latidos de mi corazón?”
Zakuro: ¿Qué hará? ¡Pero si acaba de decirlo fuerte y claro! Debe de haberla escucharo.
Iriya: Ese fue su pensamiento, por eso él no lo escuchó.
Zakuro: ¿Eh? ¿También pasa eso?
Iriya: Así es, vamos, sigue.
Zakuro: A ver… “Eres realmente linda, me dan ganas de secuestrarte.”
Iriya: “¿Eh? ¿Cómo dices?”
Zakuro: “No, no te preocupes, no era nada.”
Iriya: “¿Hm? Entendido.” “Él está actuando algo raro, pero ha de ser mi imaginación…”
Zakuro: ¡No lo es! ¡Debió escuchar eso!
Iriya: Ser tan densa como para no escuchar ni aquello que fue dicho en voz alta es uno de los encantos de las damas.
Zakuro: Tantos monólogos y pensamientos son raros… ¿Por qué nosotros sabemos lo que pasa y el resto no?
Iriya: Porque es un juego.
Zakuro: Además, mientras estos dos no conversen no sabrán que se gustan mutuamente. ¡Salgan juntos! ¡¡Sean directos!!
Iriya: Ver como se dan cuenta y se enamoran es el encanto del juego, ¿no crees?
Zakuro: ¡No lo entiendo…!
Iriya: Es por eso que estamos aprendiendo a entender el corazón de una dama. Sigamos.
Zakuro: ¿Oh? Acaba de aparecer un dibujo…
Iriya: Cuando hay escenas importantes aparece una ilustración especial. Están tomados de la mano y bailando, es precioso. Lee el diálogo.
Zakuro: A ver… “Eres como una flor que ha florecido en medio de la pista de baile. Antes de que te arrebaten me gustaría robarte yo mismo. Esos labios brillantes cuan pétalo empapado por el rocío de la mañana… ahora mismo… q-quiero besarlos… ¿P-p-puedo besarlos? Y-y de ser posible q-q-quiero ser… e-el único que se refleje en tus encantadores ojos…” “T-tu delicado cuerpo… q-quiero envolverlo entre mis brazos… y en esta deslumbrante nocheeeeeeeeeeAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH.”
Iriya: ¡Que susto! ¿Qué te pasó?
Zakuro: ¡¿CÓMO QUE QUÉ ME PASÓ?! ¡¿Tengo que leer esto?!
Iriya: Estamos jugando en vivo, es inevitable.
Zakuro: ¡Pues léelo tú!
Iriya: Pero no sería divertido si lo hago yo.
Zakuro: ¿Divertido…? Te poseeré hasta matarte…
Iriya: Mira, la imagen cambió. Se están besando, que apasionados son.
Zakuro: ¡¡¡…!!! ¡¿Qué demonios están haciendo en medio de una multitud?!
Iriya: Solo es un besito.
Zakuro: ¡No quiero tus excusas! ¡Ni siquiera se han confesado! ¡¿Están locos?! ¡¿Cómo hacen esto sin confesarse?! Hanako, no te dejes enamorar por ese tipo. ¡Replantéate tu amor!
Iriya: Ay Zakuro, eres un puritano en las situaciones más curiosas. Mira, la confesión de amor inicio así que léela y hazlo con un tono de susurro, con una voz llena de amor, muuuuy dulce.
Zakuro: Ni loco… ¡¡No pienso leer más…!!
Toneri: ¡Bien! Como Zakuro e Iriya empezaron a discutir ahora nos toca jugar a nosotros. Soy el Inugami Toneri y…
Merry: …Yo soy Merry-san, es un placer. Aah, que nervios…
Toneri: ¿En serio? ¡A mí estas cosas me emocionan!
Merry: ¿T-te emocionan? P-pues a mí la emoción me pone nervioso…
Toneri: Nunca cambias. Bueno, da igual. ¡Empecemos! A ver… nosotros parece que jugaremos un juego distinto. ¿Quieres el mando?
Merry: N-no es necesario, puedo jugar usando mi celular con una aplicación, así que puedes tenerlo si gustas, Toneri-senpai…
Toneri: ¡¿En serio?! ¡¿Seguro?! ¡Bien! ¡Pues juguemos! *empiezan* Empezamos, ¿este es un salón de clases?
Merry: Así parece… En este juego parece que el colegio es el escenario principal…
Toneri: ¡Oh! ¡Ya apareció Hanako!
Merry: Nos hemos acostumbrado a Hanako-san…
Toneri: También apareció el chico. ¿Debemos enamorarlo?
Merry: Así parece… es uno de los intereses amorosos.
Toneri: Je, me pregunto cómo será.  *el chico empuja a Hanako* ¡¿Aaah?!
Merry: ¡A-acaba de empujar a Hanako-san!
Toneri: ¡La acaba de tironear del cabello! ¡Hanako parece estar sufriendo!
Merry: ¡Eeeh! ¡T-también le rasgó el uniforme! ¡¿Q-q-qué hacemos?!
Toneri: Este hombre… ¡Es un tipo malo! ¡Hagámoslo puré!
Merry: ¡N-no! S-se supone que hay que enamorarse y enamorarlo.
Toneri: ¡Pero este es un—! Ehm… ¡Ciclón dramático!
Merry: Creo que hablas de abusador doméstico…
Toneri: ¡Eso! ¡Y como protector de Hanako no puedo permitirlo! ¡Aah! ¡Acaba de morderle el cuello! ¡Bastardo…! ¡Te maldecir�� hasta matarte!
Merry: D-di no a la violencia, p-primero analicemos la situación leyendo los diálogos…
Toneri: S-sí… Entendido.
Merry: Oh, aparecieron las opciones.
Toneri: ¿Qué es esto?
Merry: Debes elegir la siguiente acción de la protagonista en base a estas tres opciones… Tras elegir el futuro cambiará.
Toneri: ¡Pero no hay una opción para golpearlo! ¿Con cuál botón le puedo pegar?
Merry: No es un juego de peleas, así que por favor desiste de la idea de golpearlo…
Toneri: ¿Eeh? ¿Debo elegir entre estas tres opciones? “Entregarle tu cuerpo sin oponerte; Disculparte; Pedir ayuda.” ¡¡NO ME GUSTA NINGUNA!!
Merry: P-pues debes elegir una… o Hanako-san estará eternamente en el suelo…
Toneri: ¡Mierda, es verdad! ¡Debo hacerlo por Hanako! ¡Entonces esta…! *elige* ¡MALDITA SEA! ¡ESTE HOMBRE LO ESTÁ GOZANDO! ¡Confío en que después le harás pagar, Hanako…!
Merry: Por favor no le pongas tanta presión encima a Hanako-san… *la música cambia* ¿Eh? La música ahora es triste…
Toneri: Este hombre empezó a hablar del pasado… Veamos… “¿Qué sabrás tú? ¿Puedes entender mis sentimientos luego de que mis padres me abandonaran y casi me mataran?”
Merry: “He tenido que vivir solo sin la ayuda de nadie… No tenía nadie en quien apoyarme, nadie que me sonriera… nunca he sentido el calor de otra persona…”
Toneri: “En realidad me sentía desolado… quería que alguien me amara… quería amar a alguien… Sin embargo, este mundo no me lo permitió… De no haber nacido así…” *sniff* “Yo también…” *sniff* “Habría podido…” *sollozos* ¡Buaaaaaaaaah! ¡Este tipo me da pena! ¡Hagamos algo por él!
Merry: *llorando* ¡E-es muy triste…! A-ayudémosle… Primero un amigo… esta persona necesita amigos.
Toneri: Claro, un amigo… ¡Alguien que pueda amistarse incluso con alguien tan violento como este tipo! ¡Aah! ¡El abuelo de la limpieza de la academia Nanagiri! ¡Hagamos que sea su amigo!
Merry: Sí, él sería perfecto… Incluso saluda siempre a alguien tan deprimente como yo… Aunque los humanos no pueden entrar en los juegos…
Toneri: ¡Pero puede que en este juego haya algún abuelo de la limpieza! ¿Y si lo buscamos?
Merry: Oh, ya veo, es buena idea…
Toneri: ¡Bien! Te presentaremos a alguien maravilloso, estoy seguro de que te llevarás de perlas con el abuelo de la limpieza.
Merry: Sí, sean felices.
Utashiro: ¡¿Y qué conseguirán haciendo que sean felices?! *golpea a Toneri con su abanico*
Toneri: ¡Auch! ¡¿Qué te pasa?! ¡¿No quieres que sea feliz?!
Hifumi: Escuchen, en esta historia la protagonista y ese hombre deben acabar juntos. ¡¿De qué servirá que se lleve bien con un abuelito de la limpieza?
Merry: ¡Ah! Claro, nos olvidábamos de Hanako-san.
Toneri: ¡Claro! ¡Hanako debe hacerse su amiga! Aunque… este tipo es muy violento y no se lo recomendaría…
Merry: Es verdad, a Hanako-san le vendría mejor estar con un caballero más considerado…
Toneri: Alguien más alegre y animado.
Merry: Así es, busquémosle a alguien así, seguro encontramos a un buen chico.
Toneri: ¿Verdad? ¡Busquemos al esposo de Hanako!
Utashiro: ¿Acaso son unas abuelas que solo aprueban a quien les parece indicado…?
Hifumi: Este juego no trata de eso…
Arahagi: Como no llegaban a nada hemos pedido a esos dos que se retiraran. ¡El último par está formado por el idol de la academia, Arahagi-kun y…!
Hanawo: El idol del baño, Hanawo-san. *música* Al fin llegó nuestro turno.
Arahagi: ¡Sí! ¿A qué juego vamos a jugar nosotros?
Hanawo: Elegí uno especial, aunque me costó porque me recomendaron varios, pero pensé que este serviría para cambiar de aires. Un mundo sumergido en el misterio… Una historia profunda con un elenco variado, este es el juego.
Arahagi: Je, es genial que aparte de romance también tenga misterio.
Hanawo: ¿Verdad? Además, aprovecho de recomendarlo, espero que todas lo compren.
Arahagi: ¿A quién le hablas Hanawo-san?
Hanawo: No te preocupes. Yo ya lo jugué completo, así que me gustaría que tú lo jugaras, gatito. ¿Te parece bien?
Arahagi: ¡Por supuesto! Entonces con este botón… ¡Empecemos! Ah, ya inició. ¿Estamos en la casa de alguien?
Hanawo: Es la casa de la protagonista, Hanako-chan.
Arahagi: Sabía que se llamaría Hanako…
Hanawo: Por supuesto. Por cierto, esa partida tiene varias horas. Mira, apareció el hermano de la protagonista.
Arahagi: Je, ¿él es su hermano mayor? Se ve amable.
Hanawo: Sí, lo es, ¿no?
Arahagi: ¿Pero por qué tiene un parche en el ojo?
Hanawo: Tsk, tsk, tsk, pues por una razón profunda… Aunque a primera vista uno puede decir que es por pasión, refleja su corazón de chunnibiyo. Hay algunos que usan vendajes en un brazo, otros que dicen ser un príncipe bebe sangre, hay muchas formas de demostrar que tu corazón ha sido consumido por la ficción, pero un parche en el ojo es más efectivo porque va directo al grano.
Arahagi: Jee, digno de Hanawo-san, no entendí mucho, pero ya me transmitió su energía.
Hanawo: Algún día entenderás las maravillas de los chunnibiyo, gatito.
Arahagi: Sí, preferiría que no. *juega* Mira, Hanako-chan y su hermano se llevan de maravilla, su hermano parece quererla mucho.
Hanawo: Sí, ya que todo hermano considera a su hermanita su tesoro.
Arahagi: Toca elegir, ¿cuál escojo Hanawo-san?
Hanawo: Elige al hermano.
Arahagi: Ya veo, entonces… *lo escoge* Es verdad, el hermano se alegró mucho, pero Hanawo-san… su cara de miedo… desde hace un rato que siento que sus pupilas se están dilatando…
Hanawo: Será tu imaginación. Mira toca elegir otra vez, ahora escoge algo que lo haga feliz.
Arahagi: O-ok… Hanawo-san, el hermano está actuando extraño… E-está lamiendo el cabello de Hanako-chan que se quedó atrapado en la rejilla de la bañera…
Hanawo: Cuanto amor, ¿no?
Arahagi: E-es increíble en cierto sentido… ¿N-no será que su hermano es el youkai “akaname”? (SF: Literalmente un youkai que succiona desperdicios de las bañeras)
Hanawo: Ay no, si revelas su identidad harás spoiler.
Hanawo: Fufu, tienes que esperar llegar hasta el final para saber. Ah, pero el hecho de que es su hermano es una realidad, así que tranquilízate.
Arahagi: ¡No puedo!
Hanawo: Toca elegir de nuevo, elige la opción de abajo.
Arahagi: ¡¡Espera!! ¡¡Nuestro hermano nos acaba de encerrar!!
Hanawo: Ahora elige la de arriba.
Arahagi: ¡Tengo miedo, mucho miedo! ¡Al escapar el hermano nos persigue con demasiado ímpetu!
Hanawo: Otra vez arriba.
Arahagi: ¡¡AAAAAAAAAH!! ¡Nuestro amigo! ¡El hermano mató a nuestro amigo!
Hanawo: Ahora avanza la historia y alcanzarás el final.
Arahagi: El mundo llegó a su fin… Solo quedan Hanako-chan y su hermano…
Hanawo: Si… finalmente el mundo es solo de ellos…
Arahagi: ¡Hanawo-san esto no fue una historia romántica! ¡¡NO HUBO NI UNA PIZCA DE AMOR!! ¡¡Y EL HERMANO ERA ATERRADOR!! ¡¡TANTO COMO APARECER EN PESADILLAS!!
Hanawo: Tsk, tsk, tsk, sí hubo amor. Un amor indescriptiblemente profundo de parte del hermano hacia su hermanita.
Hanawo: La parte más genial fue la del encierro, ¿no? Y el momento en que su amable sonrisa se deformó, sumado a su amor retorcido cuando la situación lo necesitaba, aunque no lo parezca a las chicas humanas les fascina este tropo.
Arahagi: Hanawo-san… creo que entiendo menos a las chicas humanas…
Hanawo: Eso es malo. Este hermano tiene otros tres finales, así que aprovechemos de verlos.
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 10 months ago
Amplification: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Summary: A deadly spread of Anthrax is going around infecting and killing people. One of your own is affected that completely tears your world into two. How will you over come this?
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"It will become fine dust over all the land of Egypt and it will become boils breaking out with sores on man and beast through all the land of Egypt." - Exodus 9:9
"I want to go back," you say in the elevator heading up to the office.
"Me too. Maybe we can make this a monthly thing. You know, go someplace really fancy for the weekend."
"I'd really like that," you grin and pull him closer. You two are the only ones inside the elevator, so you don't feel bad when you kiss him like you would in the bedroom. "I love you."
"I love you."
"No, I mean I'm in love with you. Every part of you."
"You stole the words right out of my mouth," he laughs.
The elevator doors open and the smile is lost from your face. The entire BAU floor is covered with people from the military. Something is happening but you're not sure what. No one is visually panicking but you can feel it all. Derek and Emily are by the glass doors just watching the chaos.
"What the hell is going on?" you ask and join their side. "Why is the Military here?"
Without stopping to talk to anyone, you head into the briefing room where JJ, Rossi, Hotch, and some strange woman are.
"What is going on?"
"Guys, this is Dr. Linda Kimura, Chief of Special Pathogens with the CDC."
"Hello. I'm sorry to meet under these circumstances."
"What circumstances?" Spencer asks.
"Last night, twenty-five people checked into emergency rooms in and around Annapolis. They were all at the same park after two in the afternoon yesterday. Within ten hours, the first victim died. It's now just past seven in the morning. The next day, we have twelve dead."
You take the files and read through them quickly.
"Lung failure and black lesions. Is this Anthrax? This doesn't kill that fast."
"This strain does."
"What are we doing about potential mass targets like airports, malls, and trains?"
"There's a media blackout."
"We're not telling the public?" Email gasps.
"We'd have a mass exodus. The psychology of group panic would cause more deaths than this last attack. If it does get out, whoever did this might go underground or destroy their samples."
"Or if they wanted attention and don't get it, they might attack again. Doesn't the public have the right to know that?"
"I agree with Emily here. The public has a right to know this," you agree.
"If there is another attack, there's no way we'll be able to keep it quiet. Our best chance of protecting the public is by building a profile as quickly as we can. What do we know about this strain?"
"The spores are weaponized, reduced to a respirable ideal that attacks deep in the lungs. It's odorless and invisible. This is a sophisticated strain. Only a scientist would know how to do that."
"These lesions are doubling in size in a matter of hours."
"It's not the lesions I'm worried about, it's the lungs. We don't know how to combat the toxins once they're inside. The reality is, we may lose them all. The remaining survivors have been moved to a special wing at Walter Reed Hospital. I'd like for your offices to become a small command center."
"We'll be working with military scientists from Fort Detrick," Hotch says.
"General Whitworth is coming here?" Rossi asks.
"He's in charge of site containment and spore analysis. Determining what strain this is will help inform who's responsible."
"My team is in charge of treating all victims," Linda informs.
"Reid and Y/N, go with Dr. Kimura to the hospital and interview the victims. Morgan and Prentiss, there's a hazmat team that will accompany you to the crime scene." Linda brings in some pills for everyone in the room. "This is Cipro. Everybody needs to take it before we go."
"We don't know if it's effective against this strain, but it's something."
You take a deep breath to calm yourself and grab one of the cups. You look over at JJ who is trying to suppress her concern. As soon as she takes it, she leaves and heads to her office to be alone. You know she's worried about her family. If she can't tell the public, then she can't tell her family about the risks.
Before you can go to the hospital, you need the files on all the victims who have been affected by this strain. JJ has all the files, so you and Spencer follow her to her office. She is looking at her phone with a look of concern on her face.
"Do you have the files on the victims?" Spencer asks.
"Did you see this memo from the director? Office phones and emails are being monitored."
"Yeah, they're trying to protect the media blackout. Files?"
"Right here."
She hands them over to him.
"Thanks. I want to see what kind of medical treatment the victims received before we head to the hospital."
There had been another strain of Anthrax that was going around in 2001 where the suspect put the Anthrax on envelopes. It affected a lot of people but it was never this deadly.
"Why do you think the suspect in 2001 stopped sending the letters?" JJ asks about the previous incident.
"I have no idea, but if he hadn't, it would have been much worse."
"The worst part was not knowing when it was gonna be over. You know, feeling safe opening mail again."
"Five people died. Many more were exposed and gotten sick including a baby who was admitted into the hospital after lesions appeared on his skin."
"How did he contract it?" JJ asks worriedly.
"I have no idea. The baby must have come into close contact with a tainted letter or crossed paths with the unsub himself."
"How old was the baby?"
"Seven months."
Fear and panic spike from JJ. She thinks about her own son getting this. She wants nothing more than to contact her family and warn them.
"Did he survive?"
"We gotta go. Dr. Kimura's waiting. I'll call you from the hospital."
"Spence. Did the baby survive?"
"Yeah, but, I mean, that was a curable strain. This thing's entirely different."
"Spencer, you are freaking her out," you whisper. "She has a baby of her own." Spencer goes quiet and decides to leave before he says anything worse. "JJ, listen to me. Henry is going to be fine. Will is going to be fine. I am your son's Godparent, so I say he's going to be just fine. You can't think like that."
"Like what?" she whispers with tears in her eyes.
"Like that. You're going to go home and be with your family who are going to be fine. I love you, but I have to go now. Keep your head up, JJ. They're gonna be fine."
Rossi and Hotch work with General Whitworth and the CIA to figure out what's going on here. The CIA said there are a few overseas terrorist groups with funding and capability for this. The FBI and CIA need to look at anyone who is going to profit from poisoning everyone, especially people who have patents on Anthrax vaccines. Not to mention anyone with access to weaponized spores like people from universities, scholars working in bioweapons research, and employees of labs who keep germ collections.
General Whitworth and his men are trying to decode the strain and learned that the additives used to strengthen the bacterial capsules don't exist at the CIA research labs, and there aren't any known labs to have these substances. He'll provide a list of all scientists in the CIA Anthrax programs just so the FBI can rule out anyone who decides to have a side project.
This unsub is someone who has the ability to manipulate and weaponize Anthrax, so it doesn't matter what General Whitworth's views are on the BAU. Someone above him believes in the power of profiles, so he has no choice but to listen to orders.
You and Spencer reach the hospital with the people who are sick with Anthrax. The public doesn't know what is going on so there isn't a lot of panic going around, but the ones that are affected are struggling very hard. There is only one person who is well enough to answer some questions since most others are either dead or close to being dead. Dr. Linda Kimura leads you and Spencer to Abby Belle's room.
"Hi, Abby," Linda says gently. "Are you feeling any better?" She shakes her head no. "This is Agent Reid and Y/N from the FBI. If you can, will you talk with them?"
This time, she nods. You walk around to the other end of the bed and hold out your hand for her to take. She doesn't know what's going on but what harm would this do? She lifts her hand just enough for you to slip your hand underneath.
"Abby, I'd like to try to do a memory recall exercise with you to take you back to the park, if that's okay." She nods. "I need you to close your eyes." She does. "Yesterday afternoon, you rode your bicycle to the park. How did the sun feel on your skin? The breeze through your hair? Can you describe for me what you heard and the people that you saw?"
"It was warm... windy," she whispers. You allow her words to take you back to that day. The park was in full effect with a bunch of people enjoying the sun. There is a game of men playing football, kids swinging on the playground, dogs running around with each other, people on bikes, and others walking the trail. "There were guys playing football... Kids... I see free... Me seen fee me. Free knee."
Her speech is screwed up from whatever the Anthrax is doing to her, and she is panicking.
"It's alright, Abby. You just rest now," Linda says.
"Me mock fee key me free," she whimpers.
"Just rest, Abby. Thank you."
You, Spencer, and Linda leave her room to give the doctors an opportunity to work on Abby.
"What's causing her aphasia?"
"The poison is infecting the parietal lobe which impairs her speech. Some of the other patients displayed the same symptoms shortly before they died."
"There's nothing that is helping them? Nothing is working?" you ask.
"The only thing that's helping them right now is the morphine."
Emily and Derek reached the park in Maryland which has been closed for observation. Emily is against not telling the public about this, but she isn't in a position of authority to make that call. So, instead of telling people the truth, officials have told the public there is Methane buildup in the sewage system. Since they're oblivious as to what's going on, they believed it.
There is a certain spot in the park that has high levels of Anthrax where the unsub most likely released the attack. The wind spread the Anthrax around the park and hit everyone who was there. It's weird because you didn't think that a park would be a target for anything. Terrorists usually target symbols like the White House, Pentagon, and the World Trade Center. The park is nice but it's nothing like a symbol building.
It could be symbolic for the unsub like how Ted Kaczynski sent bombs to Berkley where he taught, to Michigan where he went to school, and to Chicago where he lived. The suspect who attacked with Anthrax in 2001 sent letters to two pro-choice senators whose politics he opposed. People like that can't help but attach a personal motive to the places they've targeted, so this park must mean something to the unsub.
In the last two hours alone, more people have come into the hospital seeking medical attention for being sick, and the panic and fear are getting to you. No one knows what's going on, and humans fear the unknown. You're trying hard not to let it get to you but for someone with your abilities, it's hard.
You wipe your eyes before the tears have a chance to fall, and Spencer takes you off to the side.
"Hey, it's going to be okay."
"Is it? How do you know?"
"I don't," he sighs. "I have hope that we're going to figure this out because we always do."
"I wish that'd give me comfort." You look around the hospital and see parents hugging their sick children and people comforting their loved ones. "Promise me you won't do something stupid."
"We're the only ones that know what's going on. Please don't do anything stupid. This is your life. I can't bear the thought of losing you. Please be careful."
"Only if you promise to do the same."
"Sorry to interrupt, but this whole thing is baffling me. Seventeen out of twenty-five people are dead. This strain is duplicated every thirty to forty-five minutes. It's poisoning the lungs and causing massive hemorrhaging and organ failure."
"Whoever created this had to at some point go to the trouble of testing it. First, they start with rodents, then advance to larger mammals, and then they do a very small trial run with people. There's no way this was his first human test run."
"We would have heard about a previous anthrax attack," Linda says.
"Not if it presented itself as something else," you state. "Is there anything that happened recently that was kind of like what's happening now?"
"Yeah, actually."
She tells you what happened a couple of days ago and gives you files on the patients affected. Your phone rings and you and Spencer go into an empty hospital room to answer the phone. You place JJ on speakerphone.
"Hey, JJ."
"Hey, you have me, Hotch, and Rossi."
She sounds like she's been crying because she is so worried about her family. She can't tell them anything but she wants to so badly.
"JJ, are you okay?"
She doesn't comment.
"It turns out that two days ago, two people in two separate Baltimore ERs, and one person in a Philadelphia ER slipped into comas and died suddenly. The COD on all of them was meningitis. Doctors didn't test for Anthrax because the illnesses presented themselves as meningitis, but I think it can be caused by Anthrax."
"Did they show symptoms that we're seeing now like the lesions?"
"They wouldn't have if the bodily functions expired as quickly as they did."
"How quickly?"
"They were all dead within three hours of being admitted."
"Wait, the first patient died yesterday at ten in the morning."
"If they inhaled a higher concentration of the strain, it would cause a quicker death through organ failure without exterior physical symptoms."
"What are their names?"
Spencer looks through the files. You can feel JJ's sadness through the phone. You'd love nothing more than to tell Hannah about what's going on, but she's in New Jersey and likely won't be affected. Will and Henry live right in the danger zone.
"JJ, listen to me. I need you to breathe. Henry is going to be fine and so is Will. You're going to go home and see your family. You need to tell yourself this."
"Okay, their names are Gale Mercer who was thirty-one, Martha Finestein who was forty-eight, and Albert Franks who was fifty-two."
"Did they visit the same place on the day they were affected?"
"Gale made a credit card purchase at a bookstore owned by Albert."
"We'll send Morgan and Prentiss out there to investigate."
"Remember, JJ, breathe," you say before hanging up.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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paisholotus · 1 year ago
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"What's the Army doing here? What the hell is going on?" Derek asked, walking into the office.
"Guys, this is Dr. Linda Kimura, Chief of special pathogens, with the CDC." Hotch introduced them to the doctor.
"Hello." The group said.
"Hello. I'm sorry to meet under these circumstances." Dr. Linda said, sadly.
"What circumstances? We need to get started." Spencer said.
"Last night, 25 people checked into emergency rooms, in and around, Annapolis." The doctor informed them.
"They were all at the same. Park after 2 PM. yesterday. Within 10 hours, the first victim died. It's now just past 7 AM the next day. We have 12 dead." JJ told them.
"Lung failure and black lesions." Derek read from off the report.
"Anthrax?" Emily asked.
"Anthrax doesn't kill this fast." Spencer said.
"This strain does." Dr. Linda said.
"What are we doing about potential mass targets..." JJ asked.
"airports, malls, trains?" Derek pointed out.
"There's a media blackout. We're not telling the public?" Emily asked.
"We'd have a mass exodus." Hotch said.
"The psychology of group panic would cause more deaths than this last attack." Spencer pointed out.
"Yeah, and if it does get out, whoever did this might go underground or destroy their samples." Derek said.
"Or if they wanted attention and didn't get it, they might attack again." Hotch said.
"Doesn't the public have the right to know that?" Emily questioned.
"If there is another attack,there's no way we'll be able to keep it quiet. Our best chance of protecting the public is by building a profile as quickly as we can." Hotch said.
"What do we know about this strain?" Spencer asked.
"The spores are weaponized, reduced to a respiral ideal that attacks deep in the lungs...odorless and invisible. A sophisticated strain. Only a scientist would know how to do that." Dr. Linda said.
The group looked around worried of what to do as they calmly listened to the doctor.
"These lesions are doubling in size in a matter of hours. It's not the lesions I'm worried about. It's the lungs. We don't know how to combat the toxins once they're inside. And the reality is, we may lose them all. The remaining survivors have been moved to a special wing at Walter Reed Hospital. Our offices will become a small command center. We'll be working with military scientists from Fort Detrick." Dr. Linda told them.
"Attorney General Washington is coming here?" Rossi asked Hotch.
"Yes, they don't want this to become a public issue. The president has already been notified." He said, looking all the group.
"Determining what strain this is will help inform who's responsible." Dr. Linda said.
"My team is in charge of treating all victims. Reid, go with Dr. Kimura to the hospital. Interview the victims. Morgan and Prentiss, there's a HAZMAT team that will accompany you to the crime scene. There's Cipro. Everybody needs to take it before we go." Hotch told his group.
"We don't know if it's effective against this strain, but it's something." Dr. Linda told them.
"This is really happening?" Derek asked, but mainly to himself, looking down at the reports of people being hospitalized.
"We knew this could happen. We've done our homework. We've prepared for this.This is it." Hotch told them.
They raised the little cups up with the pills in them, and took them.
"May you live 100 years." Rossi said, taking his pills.
-Time Skip-
"Office phones and emails are being monitored." JJ said.
"Yeah, they're trying to protect the media blackout. Files?" Spencer asked.
"Uh, yeah, right here." JJ pointed to the end of the table.
"Thanks. I want to see what kind of medical treatment the victims received before I head to the hospital." Spencer said, reading over the files.
"Why do you think the suspect in 2001 stopped sending the letters?" JJ asked, Spencer, looking at the board with possible suspects.
"I have no idea, but if he hadn't, it would have been much worse. The worst part was not knowing when it was gonna be over. It was feeling safe opening mail again." He said, lowly.
"5 people died. Many more exposed and sickened, including a baby who was admitted to the hospital after lesions appeared." JJ said, sadly.
"Agent Jareau." One of the soldiers came into the room, standing by the door.
"Uh, call me when they get through security. Thanks." JJ said, handing up the phone.
"The General's here." He told them.
"Is there bad blood with her?" Spencer asked, the soldier.
"She was very critical of the way the '01 Amerithrax investigation was handled." He told, them.
"Because of what happened with Dr. Hatfill?" JJ asked.
"Among other things. And this is the list of victims you asked for." He said, handing JJ and Spencer the files.
"No high-profile jobs?" Spencer asked.
"No. Just ordinary people frolicking in the park." The soldier said.
"Any word from the CIA?" JJ asked him.
"They said there are a few overseas terrorist groups with funding and capability. They're working international. We've got domestic. Also the members of the BJS are going to accompany the General." He said.
Spencer and JJ stopped walking looking at him surprised. The soldier stopped and nodded his head for them to keep walking.
"Jesus..." JJ trailed off, looking back down at the papers.
"We need to look at anyone who could profit from this. People who have patents on anthrax vaccines." JJ said.
"Garcia." Spencer called, through the phone.
"Yes, sir" She answered.
"And add to your list anyone with access to weaponized spores...universities, scholars working in bioweapons research. Employees of labs who keep germ collections." He told her.
"Okay, call back in a few." She said, handing up.
"Right in here, Ma'am." The Soldiers said, leading Aleza through the door.
"Attorney General, Aleza Washington. This is Agent Hotchner, SSA David Rossi, Dr. Spencer Reid, and Agent Jennifer Jareau." The soldier said, introducing the group.
"Pleasure to meet you all. But I would like to get the formalities out the way, so someone can tell me what the hell is going on, before I have national panic on my hands." She said, folding her arms.
"My scientists are decoding the strain.The additives used to strengthen the bacterial capsules do not exist at our research labs." Dr. Linda said.
"Are there any other labs using these substances?" She asked, her.
"No." Dr. Linda said, lowly.
"I'd like a list of all the scientists in your anthrax program." She said, walking towards the doctor.
"I just said we don't use those additives." Dr. Linda said, raising her eyebrows.
Aleza gave her a hard glare, "ma'am, we can rule out your lab samples, but not your people." She said, harshly. "We're looking at someone who has the ability to manipulate and weaponize anthrax. Your scientists make that cut." She said, continuing to glare at the doctor, towering over her.
"Now, we all know what happened the last time your team looked into my people. Ma'am, our team officially ruled out Dr. Hatfill. I'm sorry if Justice didn't listen to us." The doctor said, not backing down.
"but the profile was accurate. It happened in your labs. Now the same thing is happening again in one of your labs, you're going to look me in the eyes and tell me that's a coincidence? I hope you don't think I got this job, by being stupid." Aleza said, squinting at the doctor.
"I'll get you your list. General." Hotch told her.
She nodded still glaring at the doctor then turned around and walked out.
-Time Skip-
"Team, This Sariya Washington, she is with the BJS. Hotch introduced them to her.
"Hi, nice to meet y'all. But I We've tracked Chad Brown. He's going to the train station." She said, showing directions on her laptop.
"Then that's where we're going. Thanks for your help." She nodded, walking back out the door.
"No gas masks. Repeat, no gas masks. Rush hour crowd sees anyone in a mask, here's gonna be a stampede. Morgan, I want you to stay above ground and help the crowds. I'm gonna go down by myself." Hotch told them.
"Not a chance, Hotch." Derek said, shaking his head.
"Morgan, we're a man down. If the area's infected, we can't risk losing both of us as well." Hotch, said frowning.
"We are a team. We're gonna go down as a team." Derek told him, determined.
"We need to clear the station." JJ said, putting on her vest.
"I've got it. OK, I need everybody to listen up. I am FBI. I need you to exit the train now." Hotch yelled.
"What's happening? Oh, my God." A woman yelled, panicked.
"Please, everyone, through this far door only." Emily said, ushering people through the door.
"Chad Brown, don't move!" Derek yelled.
"Don't come any closer!" He yelled, backing up.
"Chad, put the bag down." Emily said, trying to
get the man to do what they said.
"Far door. Let's go." Derek said, walking closer.
"I can kill everybody here!" Chad, screamed, clutching the bag.
"And I will kill you before you do." Hotch said, closing in.
"No! No! Weapons down." Aleza said, walking towards the situation.
"General, what are you doing?" Hotch asked, looking between the General and Chad.
"This is an order from the President. The US Army is taking this man into custody." She said, grabbing Chad.
"General, the Army has no authority here." Hotch said.
"Agent! YOU DO NOT TELL ME WHERE I HAVE AUTHORITY! THIS MAN IS COMING WITH ME He helped create this strain. He's the only one who can show us how it was made." She yelled, at Hotch.
"Ma'am, he is a danger to the country." Emily said, pleading.
"He is an asset to this country! And by Presidential order, I'm taking him in." Aleza said, turning around to look at Chad.
"Sir, please come with me." She asked, him.
"Where?" He asked, squinting his eye's.
"Fort Detrick, sir." Aleza said, with a smile.
"You want me to go to Fort Detrick?" Chad asked, uncertain.
Aleza nodded, "We need you, sir, please." Aleza pretended to plead the man.
"I helped create this. You have to name it after me!" He said, with hopeful eyes.
Aleza smiled, nodding. "Of course. Standard practice. Now, hand me the bag so we can go on our way." She said, slowly sticking out her hand. Chad looked at her hand, then back into her eyes and smiled, handing the bag to her.
"Are there any other samples present?" She asked, cautiously.
"No." He said, shaking his head.
"Move in." She said, to her soldiers. Then looked back at Chad with a glare.
"You should have understood this was never going to go your way." She said, as the soldiers roughly cuffed Chad and pulled him away.
"What are you doing?!" Chad yelled.
"General!....I can help recreate this for you!" He yelled, before getting put into the police car.
Aleza handed her bag to one of the soldiers, as they put it in a confinement box, and taking it to one of the cars.
"Well, you did good work, General." Said, Prentiss. Aleza gave her a small smile, "I know. You Agents did a good job, thank you for your hard work." She said, nodding at them and walking away.
-Time Skip-
"eating Jell-O?" Spencer asked, groggily.
"Hey, kid." Derek said, softly.
"Hey, Doc. Look who's back." Derek said, towards the doctor.
"Is there any more Jell-O?" Spencer asked, trying to sit up.
"Hey. Not so fast." Derek said, pushing Spencer back lightly.
"What happened?" Spencer asked, leaning back onto the bed.
"You're gonna be all right, kid. We caught him, and him and the Virus are getting locked up forever." Derek said, smiling at Spencer.
"Dr. Reid, you have visitors." The nurse said, opening the door for them to come in.
Aleza and Sariya came in holding flowers and and a present wrapped in wrapping paper. Spencer felt like his breath was caught in his throat, when he saw Aleza earlier today, a part of him was excited despite Aleza's Intimidating nature. Because he was wondering if Sariya was close by.
He hasn't seen Sariya since they were kids, he remembered the pain he felt when his best friend told him she was moving away for awhile, that awhile turned to years. He would check on her from time to time through social media, but gave up due to the fact, that he thought she had moved on from him. Sariya was his first everything. His best friend, his protector, his first love. And here she was standing in front of him.
"I, heard Spencer Reid was in the hospital, so we decided to stop by and check on him." Aleza said, holding the flowers.
"Oh, that was very nice of you, General." Penelope said, taking the flowers and placing them beside the bed.
Sariya walked towards the bed, standing beside Spencer, smiling down at him. Spencer felt his skin get hot, as he stared up at her, as if she hung up the stars.
"Hey, Moon, long time, no see." She said, sitting beside his bed.
Derek looked at Penelope, to Aleza, then back to Spencer.
"I'm happy you're okay, don't know what I'll do if something happened to you." She said, rubbing the side of his face.
Aleza cleared her throat and tapped her watch telling her they had to go. Sariya rolled her eyes and stood up.
"OK, I have to go. But I wanted to give you this." She said, handing him the wrapped present. "Take care of yourself, Moon. See you around." She said, kissing the top of his head.
They waved bye to everyone and walked out the room. Derek then looked at Spencer surprised and smiled, hitting Spencer on his shoulder.
"Kid, when were you going to tell us, you have a girlfriend?" Derek asked.
Spencer smiled and opened the present. His eye's watered and clutched the book to his chest smiling.
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smallturtlebomb · 7 months ago
LORE TIME!1!!1!1!1!11!!!1!1!1!1!
‼️‼️TW/CW: mentions of beheading, death mention, childhood trauma, etc… just really gorey stuff…‼️‼️
Maria Linda or Mari-Lynn, born April 22, had a very normal life for a nekomata yokai. She’s apart of a clan called the Nakaruma clan. She has loving parents, caring family, amazing friends, and shelter. Until one day, one of the powerful clan members, Daichi Meiyo, a tengu yokai, went insane by an unknown spell. He told Mari-Lynn’s parents aka the leaders named Adella and Vincent that he deserved to be leader since he said that he had many big plans for them. “You’re going insane Daichi! You have to leave and sort this all out before you put us all in danger!” Vincent shouted. Daichi huffed and left them alone for years. Mari-Lynn was now six years old and now has a little brother named Duncan. But just as things seemed to die down Daichi came back with a few allies to accompany him. They soon began to attack different clan memebers. Daichi aimed for the leaders of the clan with his odatachi. Vincent was using tekko-kagi’s to try and attack Daichi back while Adella used sai’s to aim for Daichi’s back. She was about to strike him until Daichi turned around quickly and held her by the neck. Mari-Lynn was hiding in the background watching the fight as he baby brother was holding onto her. Vincent saw Adella get choked in front of his eyes which cause his fire powers to trigger and fight in a blind rage. The fire soon got near flammable decorations that soon lit the decorations and house on fire. Different members tried to escape the fire but some were either killed by Daichi’s members, burned to a crisp by the fire, or tried fighting off Daichi’s members. Daichi had a wicked smile on his face as he looked at Vincent. “Adella was always a skilled ninja that could move at the speed of light but she always thought she was better than everybody and thought she could get through everything… but she won’t be thinking that no more….” Daichi soon cut off her head with her odatachi. Mari-Lynn and Duncan watched in horror as their father soon charged at Daichi at full speed, ready to get revenge for his loved one but ended up getting his head chopped off as well. Duncan began to cry and dig his head into Mari-Lynn’s chest. The crying caused Daichi to look over at the two, his crazed smile still visible on his face. Mari-Lynn soon grabbed the weapons from her parents’s lifeless body and ran away with her brother in her arms. Daichi soon started to chase them, his odatachi already on her neck, bleeding and ready to be cutoff. Until her uncle Reggie swooped in just in time and knocked the odatachi out of Daichi’s hands with his bo staff. He quickly grabbed Mari-Lynn and Duncan, running into the forest in front of the burning building. Daichi didn’t bother to follow them and soon left the area with his allies. Reggie and what was the rest of the clan regrouped in the forest. There was many members either had severe or minor injuries. Some were talking to friends or family members, some were resting, and some were helping others out. Mari-Lynn and Duncan went over to their friend group where Akira, Mina, Igor, and Rae were resting on a log. Reggie soon got the attention from the other clan members and began to speak. “Hello everybody, i know this was all sudden but i have some bad news. Vincent and Adella have left us which leaves me in charge of the clan until Mari-Lynn is old enough to run it.” The people were surprised, sad, or angry. Especially Mari-Lynn. Reggie soon sighed. “Well we do have some options for all of you. Stay here in Japan and stay in the Nakaruma clan in Japan, go back to your home country and lead that version of the Nakaruma, or join me and travel to find a new place to start another generation of the Nakaruma.” The members soon decided what to do. “Well stay with you.” The Kimura’s ans Koji’s said. “Well go back to our home country.” The Owens said. Igor soon frowned about this news. “But mom-“ Igor was soon interrupted. “It’s for the best son.” His father said, Igor looked down at the floor. “Then it’s settled. Everybody grab your remains from the fire and make your leave, let’s try to stay in contact.”
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brandonshimoda · 1 year ago
*I read it before
**I read it more than once this year
Aaron Caycedo-Kimura, Common Grace
Adania Shibli, Minor Detail, translated from the Arabic by Elisabeth Jaquette
Ahmad Almallah, Bitter English
Alison Lubar, It Skips a Generation
Atef Abu Saif, The Drone Eats With Me: A Gaza Diary
Brynn Saito, Under a Future Sky
Camonghne Felix, Dyscalculia: A Love Story of Epic Miscalculation
*Carolina Ebeid, You Ask Me to Talk About the Interior
Chanté L. Reid, Thot
*Christina Sharpe, Ordinary Notes
Christine Shan Shan Hou & Vi Khi Nao, Evolution of the Bullet
Christopher Okigbo, Labyrinths (with Paths of Thunder)
Cristina Rivera Garza, Liliana’s Invincible Summer
Dionne Brand, Chronicles of the Hostile Sun
*Dionne Brand, No Language is Neutral
Dionne Brand, Primitive Offensive
Édouard Louis, Who Killed My Father, translated from the French by Lorin Stein
**Emily Lee Luan, 回 / Return
Erin Marie Lynch, Removal Acts
Fady Joudah, Footnotes in the Order of Disappearance
Farid Tali, Prosopopoeia, translated from the French by Aditi Machado
Gabriel Palacios, A Ten Peso Burial For Which Truth Is Sign (coming out 2024)
Ghayath Almadhoun, Adrenalin, translated from the Arabic by Catherine Cobham
Hauntie, To Whitey & The Cracker Jack
Hervé Guibert, To the friend who did not save my life, translated from the French by Linda Coverdale
Hiromi Ito, Tree Spirits Grass Spirits, translated from the Japanese by Jon L. Pitt
*James Baldwin, No Name in the Street
*James Baldwin, Nobody Knows My Name
*James Baldwin, The Devil Finds Work
James Fujinami Moore, Indecent Hours
Jami Nakamura Lin, The Night Parade
Jawdat Fakhreddine, Lighthouse for the Drowning, translated from the Arabic by Huda Fakhreddine and Jayson Iwen
Jed Munson, Commentary on the Birds
Jennifer Hayashida, A Machine Wrote This Song
Jenny Odell, Inhabiting The Negative Space
Jenny Xie, The Rupture Tense
*Joy Kogawa, A Choice of Dreams
Joy Kogawa, A Garden of Anchors: Selected Poems
**Joy Kogawa, From the Lost and Found Department: New and Selected Poems
Joy Kogawa, Gently to Nagasaki
*Joy Kogawa, Jericho Road
*Joy Kogawa, Obasan
Joy Kogawa, The Rain Ascends
Joy Kogawa, The Splintered Moon
*Joy Kogawa, Woman in the Woods
Juan Felipe Herrera, Akrílica, eds. Farid Matuk, Carmen Giménez, Anthony Cody
Kamo-no-Chomei, Hojoki: Visions of a Torn World, translated from the Japanese by Yasuhiko Moriguchi and David Jenkins
Keorapetse Kgositsile, Collected Poems, 1969-2018
*Kiku Hughes, Displacement
Kōno Taeko, Toddler-Hunting, translated from the Japanese by Lucy North
Leila Khaled, My People Shall Live: Autobiography of a Revolutionary, as told to George Hajjar
Lena Khalaf Tuffaha, Kaan and Her Sisters
**Lindsey Webb, Plat (coming out in 2024)
Lisa Hsiao Chen, Activities of Daily Living
Liyana Badr, A Balcony over the Fakihani, translated from the Arabic by Peter Clark with Christopher Tingley
Lucille Clifton, An Ordinary Woman
*Lucille Clifton, Blessing the Boats
Lucille Clifton, Good News About the Earth
Lucille Clifton, Good Times
Lucille Clifton, Two-Headed Woman
Mahmoud Darwish, The Butterfly’s Burden, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Mahmoud Darwish, If I Were Another, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Mahmoud Darwish, Palestine as Metaphor, translated from the Arabic by Amira El-Zein and Carolyn Forché
Maya Abu Al-Hayyat, You Can Be The Last Leaf, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Maya Marshall, All the Blood Involved in Love
Michael Prior, Model Disciple
*Mitsuye Yamada, Camp Notes and Other Poems
Mitsuye Yamada, Full Circle: New and Selected Poems
Mohammed El-Kurd, RIFQA
**Mosab Abu Toha, Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear
Mourid Barghouti, I Saw Ramallah, translated from the Arabic by Ahdaf Soueif
Mourid Barghouti, I Was Born There, I Was Born Here, translated from the Arabic by Humphrey Davies
Mourid Barghouti, Midnight, translated from the Arabic by Radwa Ashour
Na Mira, The Book of Na
Najwan Darwish, Nothing More to Lose, translated from the Arabic by Kareem James Abu-Zeid
Natsume Sōseki, Kokoro, translated from the Japanese by Edwin McClellan
Nona Fernández, Voyager: Constellations of Memory, translated from the Spanish by Natasha Wimmer
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human, translated from the Japanese by Donald Keene
Osamu Dazai, The Flowers of Buffoonery, translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett
The Palestinian Wedding: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Palestinian Resistance Poetry, edited and translated from the Arabic by A.M. Elmessiri
R.F. Kuang, Yellowface
Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Kappa, translated from Japanese by Lisa Hofmann-Kuroda and Allison Markin Powell
Salim Barakat, Come, Take a Gentle Stab: Selected Poems, translated from the Arabic by Huda J. Fakhreddine and Jayson Iwen
Samih Al-Qasim, All Faces But Mine, translated from the Arabic by Abdulwahid Lu’lu’a
Samih al-Qasim, Sadder Than Water: New & Selected Poems, translated from the Arabic by Nazih Kassis
*Saretta Morgan, Alt-Nature (coming out in 2024)
Satsuki Ina, The Poet and the Silk Girl (coming out in 2024)
Sawako Ariyoshi, The Twilight Years, translated from the Japanese by Mildred Tahara
Shailja Patel, Migritude
Sham-e-Ali Nayeem, City of Pearls
Sharon Yamato, Moving Walls
Shivanee Ramlochan, Everyone Knows I Am a Haunting
**shō yamagushiku, shima (coming out in 2014)
Shuri Kido, Names and Rivers, translated from the Japanese by Tomoyuki Endo and Forrest Gander
*Solmaz Sharif, Customs
Stella Corso, Green Knife
*Taha Muhammad Ali, Never Mind: Twenty Poems and a Story, translated from the Arabic by Peter Cole, Yahya Hijazi, Gabriel Levin
Terry Watada, The Game of 100 Ghosts (Hyaku Monogatari Kwaidan-kai)
Victoria Chang, Obit
*Wong May, Superstitions
Chi Rainer Bornfree and Ragini Tharoor Srinivasan, The Portal (not yet published)
Elaine Castillo, How to Read Now
Eqbal Ahmad, The Selected Writings
Essays, ed. Dorothea Lasky
Fadwa Tuqan, A Mountainous Journey: A Poet's Autobiography, translated from the Arabic by Olive Kenny
James Welch, Winter in the Blood
Lan P. Duong, Nothing Follows
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Touching the Art
Preti Taneja, Aftermath
Wanda Coleman, Wicked Enchantment
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sunlightfeeling · 1 year ago
Tagged by @crmsndragonwngss
thank youuu 💕
Rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people.
アジアの純真 by Puffy AmiYumi
(All Afternoon) In Love by The Vaccines (I swear I got this one the first time I did this tag game… that tracks…this song is an eternal banger)
Come Alive by Kimura TakuWAIT LMAOOO (Caitlin handed me the brain cell for this one, thanks girlie 😘)
Night of Fire (EXTENDED MIX) by Niko
One and Only by Kimura Takuya
Oh! Gravity by Switchfoot
Blue Velvet by Kido Shizuka (very deserved but should be higher priority, Spotify)
Short Skirt/Long Jacket by CAKE
Crocodile Rock by Elton John (which is fucking hysterical to me because I had said this song was written about Takuya because he bitey…..and then immediately thought “damn that song GOOD been a little bit since I listened tho…” then put it on repeat for a couple hours)
Different Drum by Stone Poneys, Linda Ronstadt (WHICH I HAVE TALKED ABOUT HER FOR GOOD REASON PLEASE LISTEN TO HER - this song is literally about me and really should have let me know how my relationship was going to go WHOOPS oversharing) [okay not really but I relate to it a lot A LOT)
So many of these lately, I love it 🥹 I’ll tag @lammfleisch and @pengemis-receh but I’m always looking for new music, so everyone should do this lol
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daniellsant · 2 years ago
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Ela aparece pouco, mas cada aparição tá mais linda… #olivia 🧬🚀!!! #produzindosonhos 💎🧬. 🚨Temos matrizes e padreadores disponíveis🧬. 🚨Temos 01 macho disponível da cruza (Ayla e Kimura)🧬 🚨Não perca nada, tá vindo os projetos 2023.🚀🧬 #dasgalaxias 📱Para informações no direct ou WhatsApp (64) 99263-0851. #dgrecco #puppy #bull #mydog #dog #cao #cachorro #greccobulls #merle #dogs_of_instagram #thebullypound #bestbulliesofig #BrazilianPitMonster #spiderman #itumbiara #iub #goias #go #brasil #monster #bjj #pedigree #puppys #filhote #forsale #oss #pitmonster (em Itumbiara) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpis_uquAR1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arwainian · 2 years ago
Reading This Week 2023 #6
Testing out colorful text this week for my thoughts on the readings, to better seperate it out visually. What do you think? The default yellow text looked kinda ugly so I went with orange
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
i very nearly cried at the second proposal scene. to have this moment between Lizzie and Darcy, where they are completely alone together, with no secrets between them and so all that follows it total comfort and absolutely adorable banter.... AUGH
Beastars, Vol. 4 by Paru Itagaki, translated by Tomoko Kimura
Started and Finished:
"Embodied Knowing: An Experiential, Contextual, and Reflective Process" by Mimi Sodhi
"Fashion and the Fleshy Body: Dress as Embodied Practice" by Joanne Entwistle
Beast Complex, Vol. 1 by Paru Itagaki, translated by Tomo Kimura
I feel like i've said most of what I have to say about Beastars and this connected anthology series Beast Complex already, so what am I supposed to do when I'm going to keep reading it and it's going to keep coming up in these roundups? well I shall just deliver this phrase for now: delightfully fucked up!
two tall mountains by misspickman on ao3
(moss if you are reading this i will come back and comment on your wonderful fic on ao3 itself later, suffice to say i thought it was quite good)
"A Woman's Place is in the Nation" from Britons: Forging the Nation 1707-1837 by Linda Colley
Death of a Sorcerer by Jeannie Lin
fuck. I forgot that Jeannie Lin's work is very enjoyable to read despite being so SO heterosexual in nature. Need to add "chinese historical fiction" to my list of things to seek out to read more of
"Regimental World: Interpreting the Experience of British Soldiers during the Napoleonic Wars" by John E. Cookson in Soldiers, Citizens and Civilians: Experiences and Perceptions of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1790-1820 edited by Alan Forrest, Karen Hagemann, and Jane Rendall
"Fashion, Disability, Freedom of Choice" by Heather Watkins
Lavender House by Lev A.C. Rosen, narrated by Vikas Adams
enjoyable queer murder mystery! I did not spend the novel trying to figure out the murderer until the very end, and then in the last couple of chapters I guessed completely wrong because the correct answer seemed too obvious, also I listened to the entire 10 hour audiobook in a single day thanks to my excellent skill of listening to things on times 2 speed (i have a friend that teases me for listening to things for leisure at double speed, and i have nothing with which to defend myself)
Started and Ongoing:
Frequency by cryptocism on ao3
Tea is for Teacher by Recipe on ao3
tbh considering abandoning reading this one even though I've gotten pretty deep into it. i have to constantly coach myself through my DNF policy, which is: there is so much to read out there, so unless a work is extraordinarily short, or mandatory for something, i should only read things i actually enjoy, and not just don't-dislike. since I'm kinda meh on this fic, the policy is coming to mind
The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty
and once again the DNF policy is starting to rear its head as I reach the middle of the book. I'm hesitating on putting it down because my dad really really likes this series and wants to talk about it with me, but what I've enjoyed most about this book is the action sequences, and i'm kinda meh on the characters themselves
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, translated by Constance Garnett, narrated by Frederick Davidson
while I've been enjoying this, you won't see it on the weekly log for roughly a month because my due date for the library loan came up and I had to return it. I will read it more diligently when it's back in my hands, i promise
Sam Patch, the famous Jumper by Paul E. Johnson
"Base and Superstructure in Marxist Cultural Theory" by Raymond Williams
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years ago
At The Edge Of Collapse - Emily Prentiss/Linda Kimura
A/N: Final fic for Day 7 of @whumpril​ .
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“You look pale…” It’s a quiet comment and Emily knows Linda doesn’t mean to insult her. So she smiles weakly, shrugs and sits. “I’m fine… just tired.” “Hard case. You guys were a massive help.” “Happy to…” Emily’s words are cut off with a yawn, her eyes flickering closed for a moment and Linda moves quietly to feel her forehead, frowning slightly. “You might have a slight fever.” “Oh…” Emily mutters and Linda smiles slightly, scooping Emily against her when Emily stands, slumping with exhaustion. “Come on, let’s get you to bed at least.” Later, much later, Reid would ask Emily about why Linda was at her home when she called in sick and Emily would blush at the memory. She’s protective of a newly blooming love, one built through texts and occasional meetings. She also hates to admit she got taken down by a simple fever.
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imagining-in-the-margins · 1 year ago
Hello my dearest Pom and congrats on your milestone!
🌸 Give a Fic Rec 🌸
Gotta hype up my current Temily fic, A Year in the Life!
🌼 Moodboard Maker 🌼
Tara Lewis grad school vibes pls!!
🫐 Ask Games 🫐
Top 5 minor/non-FBI CM characters!
[pom’s garden party] moodboard will be posted shortly 🫡
As for the Top 5 Minor Characters, I’ve gone ahead and picked the Top 5 supporting women
(plus an adorable honorable mention)
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Jessica Brooks (a saint, the best aunt of all time)
Fiona Duncan (my lawyer, would do anything for her)
Lila Archer (the love of my life don’t @ me I love her)
Linda Kimura (kind, pulls off an orange hazmat suit)
Joy Struthers (she was cute and she was savvy)
Honorable Mention: Roxy Alvez (goodest girl)
also shoutout to @spencer-reids-adventures for helping me get a picture for Jessica ❤️
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themidnightcircusshow · 4 years ago
It took me quite a few watches to start shipping Elle/Reid, even more to ship Hotch/Reid, and I have never shipped Reid with his canon love interests.
But one thing I have always known is that Dr Kimura and Reid definitely dated. 
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svwei · 4 years ago
— "¿me ayudas con esto?" @mvries, @mirvbi
una delicada sonrisa fue dedicada a contraria "¡por supuesto!" confirma, asintiendo con la cabeza y se apresura a abandonar su bebida en la superficie más cercana. "¿cómo puedo ser de ayuda?"
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No one should look this sexy while dying.
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snarkylinda · 2 years ago
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Absolutely obsessed with the contrast in Amplification of the scene where Spencer and Linda interrogate this girl affected by Antrax and Reid is obviously all awkward when she starts to panic, only uttering a lil nervous smile when she looks at them for comfort, on contraposition with Kimura that did her absolute best to soothe her- and like it makes sense cause Reid is used to checking dead bodies, even when speaking to said's victim's families it's extremely awkward and he tends to let his partners do most of the talking in anything that ain't technical- giving the impression to those that don't know him that he is just emotionally distant.
And then you skip to the ending of this episode, where after waking up after almost having a very painful death and still looking out of it- he asks about her directly, by name and all. Like is such a tiny thing but it lives on my head rent-free, I love my emotions-are-hard-to-express-but-I-truly-care-alot- emotional support fed.
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